Canadian Construction Sees Increase in January

OTTAWA - According to Statistics Canada's recent release, Canadian investment in building construction increased 3.4 per cent to $19.1 billion in the month of January, with gains posted in all...

BC Housing Starts Dip In February

BRITISH COLUMBIA - Canadian housing starts rose by 18.1k (7.9 per cent) to 247.3k units in February at a seasonally-adjusted annual rate (SAAR). Comparing year-over-year, starts were down from...

Malahat SkyWalk Wins Award For Its Innovation

VICTORIA – Malahat SkyWalk has been recognized with a 2022 BC Tourism & Hospitality Award in the category of Innovation. The 2022 BC Tourism & Hospitality Awards recognize and celebrate...

BC Employment Rose Modestly In February

BRITISH COLUMBIA - Canadian employment rose by 337,000 (+1.8 per cent) in February more than reversing a 200,000 decline in January driven by Omicron-related public health measures, according to...

Proof Of Vaccination Restrictions Lifted April 8th

BRITISH COLUMBIA – As of Friday, March 11, 2022, BC’s indoor mask order is being repealed along with eased restrictions on long-term care visitors, faith gatherings and overnight camps for children...