Women Leading The charge at Butler Concrete & Aggregate

July 4, 2022

VICTORIA – Operating for more than 80 years, Butler Con­crete & Aggregate’s trusted history as an in­dustry leader has helped enhance the quality of life throughout the communities it serves. Butler is an environmentally conscious or­ganization, using leading-edge technology to provide greener building materials to the local construction industry.

Aleya Adams

As the leading supplier of concrete and aggre­gates throughout the Island, their employees have played pivotal roles in their success. The company’s goal is to build a community in which all individuals are accepted, treated with respect, and have equal opportunities. Thus, Butler has supported and encouraged women in the field so that they have equal access to opportunities.

Aleya Adams, Project Manager at Butler says, “Being a leader here is about being empowered to use my decade of hands-on experience and knowledge in the building materials sector to guide and optimize business processes while inspiring and advocating for others.”

Karen Dady

“To me leadership is clearing the path, map­ping out the vision, and ensuring my colleagues have clear expectations and understanding of the direction we are going.”

Aleya’s most significant achievement to date is developing business solutions that can scale up as the business expands.

“The local and global concrete market is in heavy demand,” she adds. “Business solutions must accommodate the changing needs and concerns of internal and external stakeholders.”

Karen Dady, the credit manager of the company stated, “I’ve been in a male-dominated industry for decades and am fortunate to have landed in a company that respects skills regardless of gender.”

Courtenay Martin

She also added that blending gender-diverse perspectives is an important component of ef­fective organizations.

Butler continues to promote the advancement and achievement of women in the construction and real estate industries by providing oppor­tunities for networking, professional develop­ment, and community service.

“I am breaking the glass ceiling and showing the next generation of female employees that they can thrive and move up in the ready-mix industry,” notes Lead Dispatch, Courtenay Mar­tin. She also encouraged women not to be afraid, to speak up, and to show strength, especially in an industry dominated by male employees.

Cindy Cridland

“Sometimes it feels overwhelming because everyone wants to talk to “Cindy”, says Butler’s Lead Order Desk, Cindy Cridland.

“However, working at Butler has allowed me to learn, grow and gain confidence. I am happy to be able to share my knowledge and teach others. Giving others the opportunity to learn, grow and gain confidence themselves is very rewarding.”

Butler Concrete & Aggregate continues to en­courage females to consider careers in construc­tion. It hopes to carry on this legacy in promoting women and supporting female representation within Vancouver Island communities.


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