WEST SHORE – So, you won’t be surprised to hear that there is more than one answer to the question: “what is the vision for the WestShore?” This region within a region, formerly known as “the western communities,” includes Colwood, the Highlands, Langford, Metchosin and View Royal. There is not one spelling let alone one vision as “WestShore” “Westshore” and “West Shore” are all used interchangeably.
I love being part of the WestShore for many reasons, one of which is the dynamic nature of this area. This is where the growth is happening, where homes and schools and businesses are being built. There is a constant influx of new people and new ideas, side by side with people who have lived here many years, and First Nations whose people have always been here.
In this climate of change there can never be just one vision, and I certainly don’t claim to have the answers. However, chambers of commerce are all about making connections, and creating space for conversations. That’s why we are delighted to be hosting the return of Vision WestShore (Municipal) on June 8th. Previously held in 2016 and 2018, (and online in 2020), this dinner and panel discussion brings together the five WestShore mayors to talk together about their aims and challenges in each of their communities, and as part of both the WestShore and the greater Capital Regional District.
Mayors and councillors are one part of any regional discussion, and of course there are many other significant perspectives not reflected in this. We are focusing on municipal voices for this event because the 2022 election brought significant changes to the WestShore. It’s a time of transition and building relationships, and Vision WestShore creates an opportunity to get to know our WestShore mayors in a structured but informal environment. And we hope that this event will provide a catalyst for other conversations about the future of the WestShore. (Or West Shore. Or even Westshore!)
Tickets are on sale for Vision WestShore 2023. Please go to westshore.bc.ca to find out more.
The WestShore Chamber of Commerce is pleased to welcome the following new members: Dust Devils Cleaning, Vancouver Island Soap Works, Be’er Necessities, Westshore Stoneworks, This Week’s Lunch, Core Connection Mobile Physiotherapy, LavAshley Social, The Salvation Army Connection Point Church & Resource Centre, Hounaïda Bellasfar, Author/Grief Support Specialist/Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Ronald McDonald House BC & Yukon, Lionheart Laser, Scotiabank, Serious Coffee View Royal.
Julie Lawlor is Executive Director at the WestShore Chamber of Commerce