The Passenger Transportation Board Rules on Ride Hailing Applications

March 19, 2020

BRITISH COLUMBIA – The Passenger Transportation Board announced four rulings on applications it has received to operate ride hailing services in the Province.

The Board decided to approve the applications of MDD Transport Network Inc. and Safe Ride Sharing Ltd. MDD applied to operate in Region 1, which includes the Lower Mainland and Whistler, while Safe Ride Sharing applied to operate in Region 4 which consists of Okanagan-Kootenay and Boundary-Cariboo.

The Board refused the applications of Getride Technologies Inc. which applied to operate in Region 1 and Yallah Inc., which applied to obtain a license to operate in the entire Province. Next steps for the approved applicants after receiving licences are to secure appropriate motor vehicle insurance and to work with municipalities in their operating areas to ensure compliance with local by-laws.

The Board has received a total of 35 ride hailing applications to date and with this announcement has issued decisions on 23 of them. The Board is in the process of reviewing pending applications and is working towards issuing further decisions on ride hailing applications. The Passenger Transportation Board is an independent licensing tribunal mandated to make decisions on aplications relating to passenger directed vehicles in British Columbia, including ride hailing authorizations.

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