Pacheedaht First Nation and Teal Jones Sign Memorandum of Understanding

September 9, 2022

PORT RENFREW – The Pacheedaht First Nation and Teal Jones have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) creating a framework for engaging in dialogue to identify areas of joint opportunity for economic activities in balance with continued stewardship of and safeguard for the land and water.

The parties aim to identify specific forestry, business, commercial, and employment opportunities within the Nation’s traditional territories and pursue them through Joint Working Agreements. They will also develop a world class Integrated Resource Management Plan (IRMP) to ensure responsible stewardship of at-risk species and ecosystems within the Nation’s traditional territories now and for future generations.

“Since taking responsibility for managing Tree Farm Licence 46 in our territory in 2004 Teal Jones has consistently demonstrated respect for our rights and values,” says Pacheedaht First Nation Chief Jeff Jones. “The MOU will build upon our existing relationship and commits us to working together to identify and pursue business endeavors, create new employment and training opportunities for our community members, and to ensure our way of life and environment are protected for future generations through an IRMP.”

The MOU further affirms the parties’ commitment to continue collaborating on Teal Jones’ forest management plans on Tree Farm License 46; to pursue the creation of good jobs and training opportunities in forestry with Pacheedaht First Nation members; to recognize the integrity of forest resources, cultural heritage value, and the environment; and to jointly contribute to the long-term stability of the regional and local economy, particularly through forestry.

“This agreement makes us both stronger,” says Dick Jones, Teal Jones president and co-owner. “We have long believed businesses have a critical role to play in reconciliation with First Nations on whose traditional territories they work. This agreement reflects our commitment to the Pacheedaht people, and to working side-by-side with them to create lasting prosperity through responsible forestry.”

About Teal Jones:

Teal Jones is BC’s largest privately-owned coastal forestry company. A family-owned value-added manufacturer, the company employs more than 1,000 people directly in woods and sawmill operations across BC, plus numerous contractors and service providers – many in remote communities where few other employment options exist. The company’s Surrey mill site and headquarters supports more than 500 jobs across eight specialized milling operations, giving the company the flexibility to ensure every log arriving at the site is directed to its highest-value potential. Teal Jones has invested and committed to investing $60-million in its primary Surrey site since 2019 to strengthen its value-added manufacturing in British Columbia. The company ensures 100 per cent of every log it mills is used, with sawdust and chips directed to partners in pulp, paper, and biofuel production.


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