June 4, 2024

BRITISH COLUMBIA – Today, the BC Construction Association (BCCA) launched a new online job board tailored for the construction industry, which allows job seekers to be efficiently matched with employers. Builders Life TalentCentral eases the hiring process by offering BC construction employers the ability to post job openings and connect with talent, while giving job seekers the ability to create a profile and access career opportunities. All construction industry job openings, from entry-level to executive roles, can be posted to Builders Life TalentCentral.

Features for employers include:

  • The ability to scan job seeker profiles and resumes.
  • In-platform direct messaging.
  • Additional fee-based recruitment support services.

For a limited time, Builders Life TalentCentral is free to all construction sector employers. Job postings and access will remain free for those who are integrated members of BCCA’s partner Regional Construction Associations (NRCA, SICA, VICA and VRCA).

Builders Life TalentCentral is a free tool for job seekers.

Features for job seekers include:

  • The ability to create a talent profile and upload a resume.
  • Search tools allowing them to filter job postings by trade, location, level of experience, wage and more.
  • In-platform direct messaging.
  • The ability to save job posts for future reference.
  • MyBuilders Life rewards, including access to free Builders Code training.

“BC’s construction needs are urgent and require action. We continue to do everything we can to help address the province’s severe workforce shortage,” says Chris Atchison, BCCA President, “TalentCentral leverages the overwhelming response we received to our recent Builders Life ad campaign. Construction employers will immediately benefit from this new and efficient way to build the teams they need, in order to deliver the construction projects British Columbians need.”

From 2023 to 2024, BCCA ran a highly successful marketing campaign in mainstream media using the “Builders Life” concept to draw attention to the financial success and scheduling flexibility that can be achieved with a professional construction career. The tagline “This is what a Tradesperson Looks Like”, along with its variations featuring a variety of trades, showed active British Columbians skiing, rock climbing, fishing, snowboarding, riding motorbikes and spending time with family. The ads, which were seen on billboards and buses, in print advertising, social media, TV and radio, have generated a database of over 10,000 British Columbians who have expressed an interest in pursuing a career in construction. These job seekers are now invited to benefit from the Builders Life TalentCentral job board to find employment in their field of interest.

According to BCCA’s Spring 2024 BC Construction Stat Pack, construction is the #1 employer in the province’s goods sector with a workforce of approximately 229,000. It is predicted that by 2033, expansion and retirements will result in 20,700 construction job openings, and 6,600 construction jobs will remain unfilled. There are over $160B in construction projects currently underway in BC, with another $170B scheduled. Construction contributes 10.3% of the province of British Columbia’s GDP.

Employers and job seekers wishing to access the Builders Life TalentCentral can visit

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