Diversify the Experience, Multiply the Reward

May 10, 2016

SALT SPRING ISLAND – Whether it draws on one’s desire for experiencing the quiet, pure natural beauty, the pristine ocean water, the lush forest trails or the exciting marine and aerial wildlife, the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve and its nearby communities has the diversity and mystique to attract and inspire a large and appreciative audience.

In January, the New York Times highlighted the Southern Gulf Islands in its “52 Places to Go” in 2016 to its extensive global readership. Regardless of the source or the reason(s) our visitors find us, we all want to create for them an experience sufficiently memorable, that they will return and inspire their families and friends to do the same.

What we know about the tourism industry is that it is broadly based and continues to outpace the economic growth of the Province. It generates over $4.3 billion in employee spending power throughout many communities from small and remote to urban and large. We also note that the trend of accelerated travel to BC from the prosperous baby boom generation is adding significant economic “horsepower”.

It is already evident that this “next generation” of visitors is looking for more than just a favourable climate and traditional travel destinations or activities. Diversification is a key in bolstering our “travel and stay” attractiveness, as our visitors are seeking a variety of options to see, feel, taste and experience. From land and water adventures, to the arts, to wellness treatments, to Aboriginal history and to dining on fresh, locally grown or produced culinary delights, the diversity is evident.

The “Best of the West” is right here! It is big, it is growing, and it is diverse; our opportunity in being the “host” will require us to adapt and flex to attract this generation of interested and adventurous travelers. Leaving a lasting, positive desire to return for more and to inspire similar intentions of their families and friends must be a goal.

It is also very evident that our visitors wish to experience multiple destinations and activities which are available throughout the islands or in well-connected nearby destinations such as those on Vancouver Island. As a first step in responding to this trend, the Southern Gulf Islands Chambers of Commerce approached Destination BC for a marketing grant to showcase Galiano, Mayne, Pender, Salt Spring and Saturna Islands, all falling under the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve umbrella.

This will advantage the ongoing ‘Experience the Gulf Islands’ initiative which, using established or new water links, proposes to extend the Trans Canada Trail by adding pedestrian and cycling infrastructure improvements throughout Southern Gulf Island trails and beyond to Vancouver Island. The Gulf Islands Chambers of Commerce collective marketing initiative is expected to have immediate benefits in the respective island communities and to take advantage of the tourism momentum already in place.

Taking the diversification opportunity to the next step, our Chamber has already been encouraged through feedback, to continue in the pursuit of mutually positive economic benefits derived from thinking and acting regionally.

We are building on opportunities to develop stronger destination relationships through website linking, cross marketing and the promotion of sequentially dated events. These positive actions will create a more significant “destination attractiveness” with broader community connectivity. It will very likely have a positive, economic impact throughout the region.

The nurturing of well connected “destination models” where practical, will require leadership from community Chambers, businesses and their staff, particularly those in the hospitality sector.

It will also require a positive approach in becoming enthusiastic about other regional destinations, their attractions; connections and travel routes, with a willingness to cross promote and share information and excitement. The revised, proactive culture will foster opportunities and reward!

Add the Southern Gulf Islands to your connections!

– Jeremy Milsom is the Communications Director of the Salt Spring Island Chamber of Commerce. He can be reached at chamber@saltspringchamber.com.

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The Business Examiner South Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities:Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich,Colwood, Esquimalt, Highlands, James Bay, Langford, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Victoria,and View Royal
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