BRITISH COLUMBIA – Canadian retail sales fell 0.2 per cent in November to $66.6 billion. Excluding volatile items, sales were down 0.6 per cent month-over-month. In volume terms, retail sales decreased 0.2 per cent in November. Retail e-commerce trade fell by 1.5 per cent to $3.9 billion in November, amounting to 5.8 per cent of total retail sales.
Sales in BC rose 0.7 per cent in November. BC retail sales are up 1.4 per cent from the same time last year. In the CMA of Vancouver, retail sales were up 1.2 per cent from last month and 3.3 per cent from November of 2022.
Retail sales were down in five provinces but BC showed the largest increase in retail sales in November, this increase due to higher sales at motor vehicle and parts dealers.
Source: bcrea.bc.ca & statisticscanada.ca