Port Alberni’s #7 Challenge

May 13, 2016

PORT ALBERNI – Who knew so many benefits could result from a foot race against a steam train?

On May 1st, 159 participants completed a 10K race against Port Alberni’s #7 steam train under a clear blue sky. The race started at our 1924 train station and ended at the McLean Mill, our National Heritage site.

The route showcased our two waterfront Quays, the Kitsuksis Dyke trail, many gorgeous country homes & properties, our hospitality and volunteer spirit and of course the train and mill.

Six runners gained glory and one-of-a-kind trophies by beating the train with times around 35 minutes despite the significant altitude gain. In an effort to get more runners arriving before old #7, our Industrial Heritage Society arranged for the Beaufort Gang, who travel on horseback around these parts, to ‘hold up and rob’ the train, much to the delight of passengers.

All who ran and a few who walked got to the finish line where cheering spectators, classic cars, food trucks, a rock & roll band, and steam mill demonstrations awaited them.

The race did, of course, result in additional hotel stays and restaurant meals. But to this writer, the real benefit came from the community experiencing the success of a few diverse groups working together to better last year’s total of 13 runners. And the joy of seeing dozens of locals running our streets for the last three months to get ready gave a whole new meaning to train-ing for the event if you will pardon the pun.

So thanks go out to Brian Callabrese who brought the event here from Australia’s ‘Puffing Billy’ experience and has championed it for a few years now, the Industrial Heritage Society, the McLean Mill Board of Management, Bill Collette and his Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce crew, Alberni Thrive, the Young Professionals of the Alberni Valley, CTV, VI Cruises and of course our local media including Shaw Cable, PEAK Radio and others.

Finally, in a related demonstration of working together to achieve results, Port Alberni Home Hardware owner and Chamber of Commerce President Jan Lavertu has volunteered a significant amount of time and money at the McLean Mill working with the Industrial Heritage Society, the McLean Mill Board of Management and the City to do a substantial ‘makeover’ of the front end of the Heritage Site. The new experience there is well worth the visit.

– Pat Deakin is the Economic Development Manager for the City of Port Alberni. He can be reached at 250-720-2527 or Patrick_deakin@portalberni.ca.

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