BC Realtors Support Public Protection & Consumer Confidence

July 1, 2016

BC – BC REALTORS® want to see their clients’ interests protected and look forward to working with the new Superintendent of Real Estate.

“The vast majority of the 20,000 REALTORS® in BC do the right thing and we welcome a dedicated Superintendent of Real Estate to improve consumer protection in real estate transactions,” says British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) President Deanna Horn. “Our livelihoods depend on our reputations and I know that almost every REALTOR® in the province will be happy to see stronger penalties and enforcement for rule-breakers.”

Over the past 18 months, there has been an initiative underway to amalgamate real estate boards in the province to reduce overlap and maintain high and consistent professional standards. This would also help address the current fragmented decision making that slows the industry’s ability to foresee and address issues in a timely manner.

In addition, BCREA and its member boards have been working diligently to improve REALTOR® professionalism through a complete overhaul of the award-winning Applied Practice Course (an obligatory course for all new licensees), clarifying agency obligations between REALTORS® and their clients and new continuing professional education courses on compliance.

“We have always worked closely with the Real Estate Council on issues of continuing professional education and consumer complaints,” continued President Horn. “We look forward to working with the new Superintendent of Real Estate to discuss how best to implement the recommendations from the Independent Advisory Group.”

REALTORS® take pride in their profession and adhere to high standards of practice, including a national Code of Ethics. REALTORS® must complete an extensive education program before earning a licence, as well as ongoing professional development as part of their relicensing requirement.

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