YYJ Releases 2016 Environmental Management Plan

July 13, 2016

GREATER VICTORIA – The Victoria Airport Authority (VAA) has announced the release of its 2016 Environmental Management Plan (EMP). The EMP details the airport’s environmental program, along with recently completed projects and future plans. The public is invited to review the document and direct any questions or comments to the VAA’s environmental department at environment@victoriaairport.com.

“Environmental management, pollution reduction and resource conservation is a cornerstone of our organization’s mandate,” said James Bogusz, Vice President, Operations & Development. “The VAA continues to demonstrate environmental leadership by remediating historic pollution, enhancing habitat, conserving energy and promoting awareness of airport environmental practices among the many tenants and airlines that operate here.”

Most recently, VAA announced a $450,000 bank stabilization and sediment reduction project in TenTen Creek and will be commissioning a new glycol capture area and detention pond system for use this winter. The VAA actively participates with the Canadian Airports Council (CAC) to promote environmental stewardship for Canadian airports all across the country and has been recognized with multiple environmental awards for the Reay Creek Remediation project completed in 2012.

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