BRITISH COLUMBIA – One of my favourite books of all time is “ Think and Grow Rich”. One of the most popular books on the topic of success by Napoleon Hill and first published in 1937 and still in print today. It is a motivational personal development book based on his earlier book, Laws of Success. He condensed the laws into 13 principles in the form of a personal philosophy of success. It has been estimated that Think and Grow Rich has sold over 60 million copies worldwide and has been read by several times that number of people.

Some readers (a scant few, in relation to the huge number of readers) have attained enormous success and obtained a vast array of life’s riches, as a result of Hill’s philosophy.  Many, many, many, many, many have not!

What separates the few from the many?

Most people read the book, pondered some of the concepts it revealed, and then put it back on the bookshelf and went about their daily lives. Others did more than merely run their eyes over the words on the pages—they studied the words. They applied their mind, ideas, and thoughts to the substance of the words they read. They understood that you can’t apply what you don’t understand; and you can’t fully understand without careful examination.

But, it took more than careful examination.

Those who achieved great success were also able to visualize themselves applying what they were studying. In their minds’ eyes they could see themselves behaving and performing in new ways. Each time they replayed their visions, they reinforced their beliefs in themselves and their ability to make their vision a reality.

And then, they went one step further.

They didn’t merely promise themselves that they would apply what they had been studying and visualizing; they took action. They converted their preparation into performance.

Today, there is a vast amount of information available on almost any topic (much of which can be obtained with only a few strokes on the computer keyboard) to help you achieve the pinnacle of success in any endeavor or area of your life. But, success is not automatic. You must be willing to first prepare—read, study, visualize—and then perform. The French playwright, Molière wrote, “Men are all alike in their promises. It is only in their deeds that they differ.”

John Glennon is the owner of Insight Strategic Consulting Inc, the authorized He can be reached at or toll free at 1-800-674-9707


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