September 16, 2024

Location: Saanich (mixed-use dev)

Address: 1525 Cedar Hill Cross Rd – Seniors Housing – Student Housing – Luther Court

Description: 5 storeys – 95 senior housing units, 2,800 sf institutional | multi-generational housing – community health centre

Status:Building Permit Application – BC Housing review underway. Demolition permit application submitted September/24. Construction start anticipated early/25.

Owner: Luther Court Society, 1525 Cedar Hill X Rd, Victoria, V8P 5M1 Ph: 250-477-7241

Architect : Studio 531 Architects, 546 Herald St, Victoria, V8W 1S6 Ph: 250-384-2131

Developer : M’akola Development Services, Victoria, V8T 2Y8 Ph: 778-265-7489

General Contractor: Heatherbrae Builders, Nanaimo, Ph: 250-585-0117


Location: Cowichan Valley RD (mixed-use dev)

Address: 222 Cowichan Way – Apartments – Commercial

Description: 6 storeys – 200 apartment units, one u/g parking level | gymnasium, café, new governance headquarters for the Cowichan Tribes, and retail space for Indigenous businesses on main – amenities include a play area, outdoor kitchen, community garden, and gathering spaces—40% affordable housing initiative – 20% of units rented at 20% market value.

Status: Construction Start.

Owner: Cowichan Tribes Sustainable Housing Department, Duncan, Ph: 250-715-3302

Architect: Thuja Architecture Design, Squamish, Ph: 250-650-7901

General Contractor: Knappett Projects Inc, Victoria, Ph: 250-475-6333

Project Manager: Khowutzen Development Corporation, Duncan, Ph: 250-204-3510


Location: Courtenay – (multi-family new) 

Address: 925 Braidwood Rd – Affordable Housing and Shelter

Description: 4 storeys – 40 residential units, 70 affordable housing units | Phase 1 includes 70 shelter and supportive housing units with an additional area for extreme weather response shelter.

Status: Rezoning Application—First through third readings are complete. The tender call for shelter and supportive housing operators is anticipated late 2024.

Owner: BC Housing – Community Relations Team, Victoria

Project Manager: Pacific Swell Developments, Courtenay, Ph: 250-338-7741

Yellow Sheet Construction Data provides meticulously gathered data covering both the private and public sectors of development and construction. Comprehensive and regularly updated reports offer accurate insights into project descriptions, teams, and stages, covering everything from rezoning and development permit applications to tender calls, bid results, and building permits for Vancouver Island and Coastal areas.





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The Business Examiner South Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities:Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich,Colwood, Esquimalt, Highlands, James Bay, Langford, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Victoria,and View Royal
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