September 10, 2024


Location: Victoria (multi-family new)

Address: 515 Foul Bay Rd -Residential Infill – Edwin Lane

Description: This project involves the construction of three 3-storey buildings with a total of 12 townhouse units. The infill development includes 4 one-bedroom units, 4 three-bedroom units, and 4 four-bedroom units. The existing 5-unit McClure Mansion on the property will remain.

Status: Working Drawings – Demolition permit issued August 2024.

Architect : Nick Bray Architecture Ltd – Vancouver, Ph: 604-900-8238,

Designer : Victoria Design Group Ltd – Victoria, Ph: 250-382-7374,

Developer: GMC Projects – Victoria, Ph: 250-891-5673,


Location: Langford (multi-family new)

Address: 2703 Claude Rd – Apartments

Description: One 6-storey building with 107 apartment units and 114 parking stalls on a 0.74-acre property. The development features 9 studio units, 63 one-bedroom units, 35 two-bedroom units, two outdoor amenity spaces, and streetfront access for main floor units. The existing single-family dwellings on the site will be removed.

Status: Working Drawings – Underway. Demolition permits issued. Construction start anticipated shortly. Housing agreement approved August 2024.

Architect: WA Architects Victoria – Langford, Ph: 250-391-4933,

Developer: Empowered Developments Ltd – Victoria, Ph: 778-829-6641,



Location: Nanaimo – (multi-family new) 

Address: 360 Stewart Ave – Apartments – Masthead Living

Description: This development is comprised of two buildings with a total of 17 apartment units and 21 parking stalls. One building will be 5 storeys on Newcastle for 5 units, and the other will be 4 storeys on Stewart for 16 units. The development includes 13 one-bedroom units, 5 two-bedroom units, and 3 three-bedroom units, featuring a flat roof, brick cladding, and exposed concrete finish.

Status: Building Permit Application – Construction start anticipated shortly.

Architect: BJK Architecture – Shawnigan Lake, Ph: 250-891-1602,

Developer: Masthead Properties Ltd – Nanaimo

General Contractor: Saywell Contracting Ltd, Ph: 250-739-2672,


Building Briefs are submitted by Yellow Sheet Construction Data




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The Business Examiner South Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities:Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich,Colwood, Esquimalt, Highlands, James Bay, Langford, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Victoria,and View Royal
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