Working in Partnership

August 14, 2018

On September 8th, the Rotary Club of West Shore and the WestShore Chamber of Commerce are partnering once again to bring you the 14th Annual Chili Cook-Off and WestShore Showcase. Further enhanced for 2018, this event will feature the vibrant West Shore community through its exhibitor booths, generous sponsors, door prize donations, family-focused entertainment, and last but certainly not least the chili teams serving up samples of their chili and competing for your vote on the People’s Choice Award.

Like Chambers, Rotary Clubs are non-profit, membership-driven organizations and the WestShore Chamber and West Shore Rotary have been reciprocal members of each other’s organization for a number of years now. I am constantly impressed by the community service continually demonstrated by Rotary members. They log countless volunteer hours and raise thousands upon thousands of dollars for non-profits both locally and globally. This event is no exception. For our part, the WestShore Chamber has been able to contribute our administrative capacity as well as our network of contacts and our communications channels to the partnership.

If you’re interested in getting involved in the Chili Cook-Off and WestShore Showcase, the Chili Teams and Sponsorships may well have sold out by the time you read this, but feel free to get in touch if you’re interested in either. If you are interested in showcasing your business or organization in the WestShore, we have space both for door prize donations and for booth registrants. Exhibitors so far are as diverse as the WestShore itself, including WorkLink Employment and Hatley Memorial Gardens. Thank you to our Gold Sponsors Accent Refrigeration and Seacliff Properties for your support!

If you’re interested in attending this family-friendly event, it will take place at Belmont Senior Secondary on September 8th from 10 am-2:30 pm, with Chili Tasting from 11 am-2 pm. Family entertainment provided courtesy of the West Shore Arts Council and West Shore Parks & Recreation will also take place between 11 am-2 pm. Entry is free, and if you want to sample the chili you can purchase your “tasting kit” for $7, or $25 for a family.

For more information on this event you can go to and to learn more about the work of the Rotary Club of the West Shore please go to

Julie Lawlor is the Executive Director at the WestShore Chamber of Commerce. You can reach her at

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