WestShore Chamber Introduces 2018 Board of Directors

November 22, 2017

– Julie Lawlor is the Executive Director at the WestShore Chamber of Commerce. You can reach her at jlawlor@westshore.bc.ca.

WEST SHORE – On November 8th, the WestShore Chamber of Commerce held its Annual General Meeting and Mixer at Oak Bay Bicycles Westshore. Chris Dickenson and his team have hosted us for six years now and the hospitality is always amazing. We move through our agenda in a timely manner and then have plenty of time to enjoy fabulous food, drink, and conversation.

Part of the business of the AGM is to welcome new and acknowledge continuing Board members and with this in mind, I would like to introduce you to the WestShore Chamber Board of Directors for 2018:

  • Executive
    • President Mike Reilly is a financial advisor with Freedom 55 Financial;
    • First Vice-President Ingrid Vaughan owns and operates Smart HR, a consulting service geared towards helping business owners create and sustain strong HR processes and practices in their companies;
    • Second Vice-President Kelly Darwin is the owner of Seriously Creative, an award winning marketing & digital development company;
    • Treasurer Todd Troyer is a principal at Collins Barrow Victoria Ltd. and leads the practice at the Westshore office;
  • Directors
    • Troy Biever moved to Victoria in 2014 to open two Orangetheory Fitness locations – the first in Victoria and the second in Langford in December 2015;
    • Paula Blazina has worked for Coastal Community Credit Union for 18 years and currently holds the position of Assistant Manager;
    • Chris Burdge is the owner of bWEST Interactive, an award winning online marketing firm based in Langford;
    • Henry Chipps is a member of the Sc’ianew First Nation and one of the treaty negotiators, and is part of a team discussing a new modern day treaty with the federal and provincial governments;
    • Michele Hansen has over 25 years of business experience as a successful entrepreneur running Signs of the Times, an award-winning custom fabrication company in Victoria;
    • Katharine Harrold is Vice-President of Communications and Advancement at Royal Roads University;
    • Sharon Mitchell is a financial planner and investment advisor with Raymond James in the West Shore;
    • Cody Rowe is a mortgage broker with Dominion Lending Centres West Isle Mortgages; and
    • Bruce Simpson is the Branch Manager of Hatley Memorial Gardens Cemetery & Cremation Centre in Colwood.

I’d also like to thank our departing Directors, lawyer Bruce Corenblum and McDonald’s owner Ken Taylor.

Thank you to our and all volunteer Boards of Directors – without you the non-profit and charitable sector could not exist!

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