VICTORIA – Do you remember long ago at the end of 2020, when we all looked forward to 2021 being an easier year?
To put it politely, it turns out that 2021 has brought its own challenges. For many of us, our brains have been on high alert since the pandemic reached our shores, scanning the environment and responding to fast-paced change. We are exhausted.
As I write, people across our province are grappling with a reintroduced mask mandate, proof of vaccination required starting September 13th, a snap federal election, wildfires and associated evacuation alerts. In addition to all of the above, many business owners are trying to manage with not enough staff and therefore no opportunity to step away and recharge in spite of the fact that this is desperately needed.
Exhausted people are not at their best and my purpose in writing this article is exactly as it says in the title – if you are feeling tapped out or overwhelmed, you really are not alone. And the reason I know this is because I have been able to connect with my fellow West Shore Chamber executive directors and CEOS across the province over the last 17+ months as we have all been navigating the impact of COVID-19 on our communities.
When we are all so busy, stopping to talk to another person about challenges and stresses can feel like a luxury. But in fact it is a lifeline, crucial in supporting our mental health.
While friends, colleagues and family are a great resource, sometimes more support is needed. You can find a whole bunch of helpful information and resources at healthlinkbc.ca. And if you’d prefer to speak to someone, you can call 8-1-1 “any time of the day, any day of the year” to get help finding a service or resource.
Let’s keep talking. We are always happy to help, and you can find out more about us at westshore.bc.ca, or give us a call on (250) 478-1130.
Julie Lawlor is Executive Director at the WestShore Chamber of Commerce.