Victoria Chamber: Throne Speech A Glimpse At Province’s Plans For 2022

March 22, 2022


VICTORIA – We all benefit from perspective gained from pandemic.

Greater Victoria’s business community welcomed the news this month that mask and vaccine mandates are being lifted. It was one more signal we’ve made it through the latest in a series of challenging times.

On March 10, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry announced that, as of midnight that day, masks were no longer required in low-risk public indoor spaces. As well, Dr. Henry set April 8 as the end date for requiring proof of immunization to enter certain businesses.

These are significant milestones, but I don’t think either change will have a big impact on businesses or our regional economy. As much as we’ve all pined for a return to normal, we’ve also demonstrated amazing resilience. We knew we would persevere, and we have.

In the hours and days after the mask mandate was lifted, I noticed that many people continued to wear a mask in public spaces. I’m OK with that. In fact, it feels good to know people are comfortable with this simple adjustment that makes a major difference to the health of our community.

While I love seeing more smiles, I think I might miss some of the fun and fashionable masks that people have used to express themselves. And it’s not only individuals who feel this way. I’ve also heard from businesses and office workers who are continuing to ask people to mask up in certain situations. They say it’s about helping people feel safe as much as knowing the pandemic has receded but isn’t actually over. By and large, customers and colleagues are accommodating without raising a fuss.

It turns out, even when there’s no rule saying we must wear a mask, it’s no big deal to do so when asked. It’s a sign of respect, much like holding open a door for the person behind you (which, come to think of it, all but disappeared during the time of physical distancing. Can we get that back please?).

The bottom line is we shouldn’t expect everyone to feel and see the world from our eyes. Some people will want to carry on bumping elbows while others crave a tight hug or a confident handshake. The simple gesture of being human and accommodating each other’s comfort levels is one of the lessons we’ve learned from the past two years. It should be easy to have some perspective after living with the constant threat of a potentially fatal disease.

Of course, there are new challenges ahead. The invasion of Ukraine has added more stress to already vulnerable global supply chains. Even worse is the threat of the war escalating into Europe and beyond as Putin makes his case for the madman hall of infamy. But he’s finding out in no uncertain terms that the world has no patience for his belligerence.

The repercussions are being felt here, with rising fuel and food prices, and will require new solutions to keep our economy and our communities healthy.

Every day I reach out to members to listen to what they need. We then take their concerns and their ideas and help government understand what it can do to with the tools available. It’s the work of a chamber and something that’s been done in Greater Victoria since 1863.

So, as we say thank you to all the businesses and health care professionals whose commitment has given us the chance at another glorious spring, I’d like to recognize everyone helping us to keep moving forward. We’ve done good, but there’s much more to do ahead.

Bruce Williams is CEO of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce 


 Tuesday, April 12 – The Chamber Annual General Meeting       11:30 am – 1 pm – Delta Ocean Pointe Resort

Thursday, April 21 – Prodigy Group April Mingle        5 – 7pm – Location TBA

Thursday, April 28 – April Business Mixer   5 – 7 pm – Location TBA

Saturday, May 7 – Greater Victoria Business Awards Gala   6 – 10 pm – Fairmont Empress

Thursday, May 12 – Business Leader Luncheon: BC Ferries – 11:30 am – 1 pm – Location TBA

*Pre-registration and double-vaccination required to attend in-person events



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The Business Examiner South Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities:Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich,Colwood, Esquimalt, Highlands, James Bay, Langford, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Victoria,and View Royal
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