Victoria Chamber: Chamber Committees Help Shape Our Region’s History

August 20, 2019

VICTORIA – Have you ever wanted to be part of history? Do you have what it takes to make your community great by focusing on good business?

Did you know that committees started by the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce helped get the University of Victoria established, and were instrumental in getting the Canadian Pacific Railway to build the Empress Hotel?

In fact, Chamber committees have been instrumental in many efforts to attract major employers and services to Greater Victoria. Some Chamber committees have also grown up to take on a life of their own, including these well-known organizations:

    • Downtown Victoria Business Association
    • Greater Victoria Harbour Authority
    • Destination Greater Victoria
    • Vancouver Island South Film and Media Commission
    • Victoria Innovation, Advanced Technology and Entrepreneurship Council (VIATEC)
    • South Island Prosperity Partnership

The Chamber and its committees are continuing with this long history as the voice of business in Greater Victoria. Our members have the expertise and influence to identify what needs to be done, and get those wheels in motion.

Every fall, the Chamber holds elections in order to ensure our board of directors and our committees are made up of the right mix of business leaders from Greater Victoria.

Our committees are composed of volunteer chamber members from a wide variety of professional backgrounds.

The Ambassador Committee helps onboard new members and is dedicated to building connections. The Public Policy and Advocacy Committee identifies the Chamber’s annual advocacy priorities and meets with community leaders to advance those priorities on behalf of members.

And the very popular Prodigy Committee provides an opportunity for emerging professionals to develop leadership skills, connect with peers and mentors, and gain community project experience.

We also have a Finance and Audit Committee, which provides very capable budget oversight, and an Executive and Governance Committee that provides advice to the board and staff on strategic matters.

Every year, there are a few openings on our committees, and we are currently recruiting for members who will be available starting Jan. 1 for at least a two-year term.

The work can seem daunting. After all, some pretty big shoes have filled these positions over the years.

But, if you like getting things done and think you have what it takes, I encourage you apply to join a Chamber committee by emailing for more info.

Catherine Holt is CEO of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce

September Events:

Thursday, September 5
Summer Social Series: Summer Roundup at the Roundhouse
6:30 to 8:30 pm @ The Roundhouse at Bayview

Thursday, September 12
Prodigy Group Mingle
5 to 7 pm @ Canoe Brewpub

Thursday September 19
5 Chamber Business Mixer
5 to 7 pm @ Level Ground Coffee

Thursday, September 26
Women Business Owners’ Roundtable
7:30 to 9 am @ Coast Victoria Hotel & Marina by APA

Tuesday, October 1
Member Networking Breakfast
7:30 to 9:00 am @ Cedar Hill Golf Course

* indicates required
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