61 Per Cent of First-time Real Estate Buyers Are Female

Liza Rogers is the author of From Ordinary to Extraordinary
VICTORIA – Women are taking control of their financial independence and investing in real estate. Sixty years ago they couldn’t get a loan or mortgage without a male co-signer; now women are buying and investing in multiple homes, co-housing, seniors’ residences, apartments and commercial real estate.
A new book featuring the stories of ten Canadian women who transformed their lives by investing in real estate has just launched, and within one day it soared to become a #1 International Best-seller on Amazon in multiple countries and across 11 categories.
From Ordinary to Extraordinary features ten Canadian women and their personal journeys of challenge, hard work, and triumph. Author and book curator, Liza Rogers says, “Women tend to think collaboratively, build teams, share the risk and reward, plus ask for help when needed. They also contribute greatly to our communities. Our book chronicles the humble starts of each author as they learned, and sometimes stumbled, on their way to building lucrative investment assets.”
The numbers as to why women are getting into real estate investing speak for themselves:
- 61 per cent of first-time buyers and repeat home buyers are women
- The average age of widowhood in Canada is 56 years old
- In the first year after a divorce, a woman’s standard of living drops an average of 73 per cent
- 90 per cent of all women will be solely responsible for their financial well-being within their lifetime
Source: Census Canada
“The pandemic has been tough on women,” notes Rogers. “Domestic violence is up; we’ve lost jobs and stress levels are high. We wrote the book to inspire other women to think about investing in real estate so they can feel confident and secure knowing they won’t have to rely on another person or the government to take care of them.”
From Ordinary to Extraordinary features three prominent Victoria-area realtors and investors that contributed to the best-selling book.