Victoria Airport Sees Record Year

January 25, 2017

VICTORIA – The Victoria International Airport saw record passenger numbers for 2016, with 1,856,421 passengers surpassing the previous high of 1,710,825 in 2015. For the year, passengers increased 8.5% over 2015.

“We’ve seen consistently strong growth among our domestic air carriers,” said Geoff Dickson, President and CEO of the Victoria Airport Authority (VAA).

“Additionally, the new Delta Air Lines service to Seattle has increased our trans-border passenger numbers and increased capacity in the winter sunspot charter season resulted in higher international traffic.

“We are encouraged by this continued positive trend that started back in November 2013. The challenge now is to continue to facilitate and enable continued growth through prudent and timely infrastructure investments.

“VAA’s plans for 2017 include expanding the lower passenger departure lounge and completing a pavement overlay of runway 14/32. This will go a long way in order to be ready to serve 2 million passengers in the coming years.”

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