VICA Combats Drug Overdose

March 29, 2021

VANCOUVER ISLAND – The Vancouver Island Construction Association has received funding from the Overdose Emergency Response Centre at the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions via Island Health Overdose Strategic Initiatives to conduct the Tailgate Toolkit Project to increase access to harm reduction services and ideas within the trades sector on Vancouver Island.

Across North America men who work in the trades and transport industries are overrepresented in those who are losing their lives to overdose. In recognition of this loss and out of concern for all members of our community VICA is taking on this project, and has hired Emily Percival-Paterson as the Project Manager. Emily has her MSc in Public Health and works solely on the Tailgate Toolkit Project, so you can be sure any correspondence you have with her will not be shared with other VICA staff.

We are currently recruiting for our Phase 1 Stakeholder engagement! If you fall into either of the two categories below Emily would love to hear from you:

  • Anyone working as a supervisor, manager, company owner, union representative or educator in the trades who would be willing to participate in a 2 hour focus group to discuss the impact of the toxic drug crisis on the trades industry.
  • Anyone who uses or has used drugs and works or has worked in the trades sector for at least a year since 2015 who would be willing to participate in a confidential interview with Emily to discuss their experiences of substance use and working in the trades. If you are someone who has this lived experience and chooses to participate your participation will not be shared with anyone, including your employer.

All participants from either group will be offered a $25 honorarium as a gesture of thanks for their participation.

If you fall into either (or both) category described above Emily would love to hear from you to discuss the stakeholder engagement and answer any questions you might have. If you get in touch there is no expectation that you must participate and you can withdraw at any time with no consequences. To ensure your privacy, please contact her directly at or (250) 800-0918.

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The Business Examiner South Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities:Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich,Colwood, Esquimalt, Highlands, James Bay, Langford, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Victoria,and View Royal
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