Temporary Foreign Worker Program  Extended

March 29, 2023

OTTAWA – The Government of Canada has extended temporary measures introduced during the COVID-19 Pandemic and through the TFWP Workforce Solutions Road Map.

The continued measures, intended to provide greater stability for employers and workers, include:

  • permitting employers in seven sectors with demonstrated labour shortages (such as accommodation and food services, construction, and food manufacturing) to hire up to 30 percent of their workforce through the TFWP for low-wage positions;
  • keeping the Labour Market Impact Assessments (LMIA) validity period at up to 18 months; and,
  • maintaining the maximum duration of employment for low-wage positions at up to two years.

These measures will remain in place until October 30, 2023.

In the meantime, the Government will carefully monitor activities and review policies to ensure they continue to reflect the latest economic conditions while also protecting workers in Canada. The Government continues work to implement a Trusted Employer Model this year. This will help to reduce red-tape for repeat employers who meet the highest standards for working and living conditions, and protections.

Additionally, effective April 3, 2023, the TFWP begins transitioning to the LMIA Online Portal as the primary method to submit LMIAs. This shift to an online system will further improve processing, helping employers address their labour market needs quickly.

Business Examiner Staff



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