Strong Public Support for Tourism in Greater Victoria

October 9, 2018

Tourism is an economic sector like any other. It is made up of hard-working, entrepreneurial individuals operating small businesses to executives in large corporations.

Greater Victoria has long history or welcoming tourists from all over the world and tourism is a major component of the region’s economic base. In May of this year Tourism Victoria released an economic impact study of tourism in Greater Victoria and found tourism employs over 22,000 people and has a total economic output of $2.3 billion. We are having another strong tourism year in 2018 as well. This is big business in a relatively small destination.

An increase in tourism can have many positive effects on a city or region. But these benefits do not necessarily accrue to residents of a destination as a matter of course.

Tourism Victoria and its over 950 members not only work hard to bring tourists to Victoria, but also to ensure the community benefits as a result. We want acceptance and support of residents in Greater Victoria. We cannot be the world-class destination that we are without it.

It appears our hard work has paid off. Tourism Victoria and the Cruise Line Industry Association recently commissioned a poll by Insights West. It polled Greater Victoria residents on their perceptions of tourism in the region. The results showed 86 per cent of respondents view tourism as “very important” and 92 per cent view tourism as having a “net positive” effect on the community. 83 per cent believed tourism was good for the economy and creates jobs. For those that were asked about the importance of tourism, there were no significant differences in responses by age, gender or religion. Similarly, a clear majority of residents have positive perceptions of tourism in Greater Victoria, with more than six in ten feeling that tourism is “great for the region.”

To have the Greater Victoria community backing the tourism industry and supporting the individuals that make a living in this vitally important sector means a lot. We want to continue to showcase Greater Victoria as a vibrant and welcoming destination. And we cannot do it without broad-based and robust support from the residents of Greater Victoria.

Paul Nursey is the President and CEO of Tourism Victoria.

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