May 21, 2024

Sooke Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Expansion Project.

SOOKE – The District of Sooke announced the substantial completion of the Sooke Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Expansion Project, marking a significant milestone in the enhancement of their sewage treatment infrastructure. The total investment was $6.58 million, including a contribution of $4.6 million from the Province.

Expansion Details:

The original design capacity of the plant was 3,000 cubic meters per day (annual average daily flow), with a peak wet weather flow capacity of 6,900 cubic meters per day.

Through the expansion, the plant now boasts a capacity of 4,500 cubic meters per day (annual average daily flow) and a peak wet weather flow capacity of 10,350 cubic meters per day.

Key Features of the Plant Expansion:

  • Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) #3: This functions as a fill-and-draw activated sludge system, optimizing the treatment process by seamlessly executing equalization, aeration, and clarification within a single tank. The SBR’s multifaceted capabilities encompass equalization, biological treatment, and secondary clarification, ensuring thorough treatment of wastewater streams.
  • Equalization Tank: Providing temporary storage for waste, the equalization tank is equipped with a Xylem control system for consistent velocity of effluent through the filtration and UV disinfection process for better treatment.
  • Rotating Drum Thickener (RDT): The RDT significantly reduces the volume of sludge in wastewater treatment processes, increasing the concentration of solids and making sludge volumes more manageable for disposal or further dewatering processes.
  • Tertiary Disk Filter: Akin to a sophisticated strainer, the disc filter utilizes woven cloth filters mounted on rotating discs to effectively remove solid particles from water. Gravity guides the water through the filters, where particles are trapped, while a sensor triggers the backwashing process to clean the filters when necessary.

Next Steps:

In reaching substantial completion, the project will undergo the final commissioning of equipment for performance testing with monitoring at 1-week, 1-month and 1-year milestones, staff operational equipment training, and implementation of additional regulatory testing.

An updated Wastewater Master Plan is also currently under development and will take into account new provincial legislation regarding housing density. This plan will guide future infrastructure development in alignment with community growth and regulatory requirements.

Owned and operated by the District of Sooke, the wastewater collection and treatment system began construction in 2004 and was commissioned in November 2005.

Serving a core area of approximately 5,500 residents, the system employs secondary sewage treatment, which typically removes over 95% (often upwards of 99%) of total suspended solids and high levels of other contaminants, providing significant environmental benefits.

Source: District of Sooke and Business Examiner Staff


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