Scanplus Locating Ltd. Offers Invaluable Service To Vancouver Island

January 8, 2021

Scanplus Leads The Way In Ground Penetrating Radar And Locating In BC


ScanPlus team members from left to right, Kelby Wittich, Laraine Bowen, Ted Ensor, Mike Cooper, and Julian Savidge

SOOKE – Launched in 2015 by Dough Wittich, ScanPlus Locating Ltd. was born out of Doug’s frustration with existing ground penetrating radar and locating services on Vancouver Island.

Doug explains, “Our construction company, PLAN Contracting Ltd., would often have to book weeks in advance to get locating completed, a substantial inconvenience since our business frequently operates under emergencies and short windows for projects.”

Mike Cooper of ScanPlus and the Stream C, a 34-antenna 3D GPR unit is used for post construction and archaeological projects

Ground penetrating radar, or GPR, is invaluable for locating underground utilities within areas slated for excavation, including underground storage tanks (USTs), septic tanks, subsurface voids and much more. When Doug began ScanPlus, he was entering a fledgling industry with training opportunities limited to California and Colorado at the time.

“We started with one van and basic equipment,” notes Doug.

Today, Doug’s team operates three vehicles with five staff, their equipment renewed every four years to ensure ScanPlus operates with the most advanced equipment and processing capabilities. Most recently, they added IDS Stream C to their GPR collection, a unit with thirty-four antennas (as opposed to a standard two-antenna unit) offering two polarizations, providing an accurate 3D reconstruction of the underground utility network in a single passing scan.

Elaborates Doug, “This is the only unit of its kind in Western Canada, used not only in utility locating post construction but also in archaeological projects. In the new year we will be adding bedrock mapping and volumetrics to our offerings.

Doug and his team have built strong relationships Island-wide thanks to an exemplary work ethic, and the personal touch of a small, family business. This combination has brought the likes of Telus, Rogers, Bell and BC Hydro into the ScanPlus fold, as well as multiple engineering firms, construction companies, and of course, satisfied residential clients.

Concludes Doug, “I’m a firm believer in the family business enterprise and strive to bring attention to the professionalism in which we operate as a small business. We are proud of the integrity by which we serve BC.”    




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