May 21, 2024

Dean Murdock is mayor of Saanich

SAANICH – Following an extensive process, Saanich Council has adopted the five-year Financial Plan Bylaw as well as the 2024 Tax Rate Bylaw which establish the operating and capital plans for all municipal programs, including the tax revenue required to support service delivery.

The Saanich budget saw an overall net increase in property tax of 7.93%.

“We thank all Saanich residents who shared their input through email, public budget meetings and online engagement opportunities — many of whom expressed their desire to see services maintained within a reasonable tax increase,” says Saanich Mayor Dean Murdock. “In recent years, it’s become apparent that some of our aging facilities and infrastructure require significant upgrades to maintain the service levels our residents depend on. Saanich is prioritizing long-term support for infrastructure and facility replacement costs, but approaching this incrementally to keep the tax lift manageable for people.”

At the same time, Saanich is making meaningful, strategic investments to benefit our community now and in the future.

The 2023 budget saw a renewed commitment to moving our community forward. In 2024 Council has continued to take strides towards implementing Saanich’s Strategic Plan goals and initiatives by allocating the following funds in the Financial Plan.

Climate Action & Environmental Leadership

  • $4,018,200 for park, playground, and other park infrastructure replacement – Maynard, Claremont Goddard playgrounds; Rithet’s Bog Washroom addition; Fowler Park Pickleball Courts addition and Investment in various natural areas, urban forestry
  • $3,140,000 for bikeway improvements
  • $300,000 for Parkland acquisition

Community Well-being

  • $2,377,200 for replacement of Fire and police vehicles and equipment
  • $420,000 for bus stops, signals, poles and streetlights
  • $150,000 active and safe route to school plan implementation


  • $938,000 for roads
  • $185,000 for bridges and infrastructure condition assessment
  • $9,824,000 for complete streets


  • $4,170,000 for asbestos cement and cast-iron water main replacement
  • $4,907,000 for asbestos cement sewer main replacement

Organizational Excellence

  • $3,420,500 for new Business Systems initiatives

Economic Development

  • $131,800 annual operating budget for addition of an Economic Development Coordinator

The Provincial Government provided the District one time grant funding of $14.6 million dollars to support the delivery of infrastructure projects necessary to enable greater housing supply needed for the community.

The COVID-19 Safe Restart Grant – The Federal and Provincial Governments provided the District a one-time COVID-19 Safe Restart Grant of $7,453,000. These funds were used in 2020 to 2023 and will be used in 2024 to address revenue shortfalls and additional operating costs associated directly with the pandemic.

Key 20924 Projects

  • Saanich Operations Centre – $25M
  • Shelbourne Street Improvement Project – $11.2M
  • Playground and Sports Field Replacement – $1.7M
  • Firehall #2 Replacement – $12M
  • Fleet Vehicle Replacement – $5.6M
  • Sidewalk installation plan – $3.7M

For detail on more capital projects go to the Capital Projects Guide 2024

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