Royal Roads and Langford Sign Partnership Agreement

January 25, 2018

LANGFORD – Royal Roads University and the City of Langford have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to explore opportunities for education that promotes economic prosperity, sustainability, and growth in the West Shore.

City of Langford Mayor Stew Young says the memorandum of understanding is a critical step to bring more education options to Langford and the West Shore.

“I’ve long advocated for increased post-secondary education opportunities in Langford,” said Mayor Young. “As Langford and the West Shore continues to grow, this partnership with Royal Roads University is a step in that direction.”

Royal Roads President and Vice-Chancellor Allan Cahoon says the MOU acknowledges the longstanding relationship between the university and the City of Langford.

“Part of the university’s mandate, specifically mentioned in the Royal Roads University Act, is to address the educational needs of our local communities,” says Cahoon. “As the only public post-secondary institution located in the West Shore, Royal Roads is committed to work with Langford along with other West Shore communities to support their development and growth needs.”

The memorandum of understanding identifies several areas of collaboration and exploration, including:

  • Applied research and community-focused education;
  • Educational services that support the needs of the growing West Shore;
  • Meeting the educational needs of local Indigenous communities and international students;
  • Partnerships on work integrated learning opportunities for students;
  • Opportunities in the sustainability and technology sectors; and
  • Community development initiatives

The five-year agreement sets the foundation for future cooperation and collaboration between Royal Roads University and City of Langford.

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