June 26, 2024

A rock check dam was created to store the water upstream before entering the pond downhill as part of a Water Retention Basin Remediation project. Sediment will settle in the pool to further seal the dam and filter contaminants in the water. Future weather patterns will cause the water level to rise & fall seasonally. Photo

COWICHAN VALLEYRemedy Eco Design is making strides in sustainable agriculture and ecological design in Cowichan through innovative techniques aimed at enhancing the natural ecosystem while promoting agricultural productivity.

Kurtis Howes

Founded by Kurtis Howes, the company focuses on creating resilient natural landscapes that address the pressing challenges of climate change and food security. The business offers services in Ecosystem Design & Restoration through water retention landscapes, food forests, and integrated ecosystem services.

Remedy Eco Design is working on several local projects including the Alderlea Farm Water Retention and Agroforestry System project in Duncan. There, Kurtis has designed multipurpose terraces to be used for an agroforestry system that the farm can manage long into the future.

He has also recently completed private homestead designs, building an entrance feature for the Owl’s Hollow Housing Development in Ladysmith, and a local BC Hydro Revitalization Project.

The company employs a variety of techniques aimed at enhancing the natural ecosystem. Key among these is the concept of water retention landscaping. This approach involves capturing and storing rainwater to hydrate the soil, which in turn supports plant growth, reduces the risk of floods, fires and mitigates the effects of droughts. By slowing, spreading, sinking, and storing water, water retention landscaping activates both the small and large water cycles, increasing local precipitation and recharging groundwater supplies.

Another innovative method and service that Kurtis has incorporated into his business is the planning and development of food forests. These are intentionally designed ecosystems that mimic natural forests but are rich with edible plants, providing fresh, nutrient-dense food while supporting local wildlife and boosting biodiversity.

By promoting sustainable agricultural and design practices, Remedy Eco Design supports local farmers and communities. While Kurtis is currently the sole employee of the company, he actively subcontracts and collaborates with other local businesses on many of his projects.

Source: CVRD



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