February 8, 2024

SAANICH – The District of Saanich recently acquired property to build a new Operations Centre, to replace the current aging building.

The property is located at 4088, 4094 and 4098 Lochside Drive and close to the current operations centre (1040 McKenzie Avenue). The goal is that this property will become Saanich’s new Parks Operations Centre in the next few years as relocating Parks Operations to a new site will free up the current site for future development.

According to the District of Saanich: “Value for taxpayers’ dollars was also a key factor considered as part of this purchase. The property was recently developed in 2018 with fully functional offices, vehicle storage and a mechanic shop already located on site. This $25 million investment in a newer 3-acre property that meets our operational needs will allow us to progress the overall redevelopment project faster while saving on costly new construction. The new site can also be used while the current centre is being redeveloped to temporarily continue operations, resulting in fewer service interruptions and lower costs.”

Building Electrification

The District is now accepting applications for its new Climate Action Tax Exemption (CATE) Program, designed to encourage electrification projects in large multi-unit residential and commercial buildings in the community.

The program promotes replacement of current older systems with electric systems. The eligible upgrades are available to multi-unit residential buildings, which include condominium stratas and rental apartment buildings which can receive a municipal tax exemption of up to 100% of project costs, after accounting for other rebates, for a maximum of 10 years. Commercial building owners can receive a tax exemption valued between 50-80% of project costs, for a maximum term of 3 years. To be eligible, participants must be accepted into a Provincial Incentive Program, such as CleanBC Better Buildings.

With buildings being the second highest source of GHG emissions in  Saanich, switching to electric heating will reduce emissions.

They offer a information webinar on the new program on February 28th from 12-1 pm. To register for the webinar, or for more information and to apply to the program, please visit:

Budget Simulation Tool

Now online is the District of Saanich’s budget education tool. This will allow for more accessible public say in the new 2024 Financial Plan which will be finalized by May 15th.

Residents are encouraged to participate in the survey and online budget simulation tool. This tool will be available until February 14th.

The budget includes the municipality, Saanich Police and Greater Victoria Public Library consideration.

Source: District of Saanich & Business Examiner Staff

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The Business Examiner South Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities:Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich,Colwood, Esquimalt, Highlands, James Bay, Langford, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Victoria,and View Royal
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