March 3, 2025


VANCOUVER ISLAND – How are Canadians dealing with the threats coming from Donald Trump’s America? Sure, many are cancelling holidays to Hawaii and the sun belt and making an effort to avoid U.S. products in grocery stores. However, while this is a good start, I believe a lot more needs to happen and happen quickly.

At a recent energy conference in Victoria, speakers talked about the need for Canada to find new markets for our natural resources and to fast-track energy development, particularly oil and gas. It was pointed out that hydro alone falls far short of meeting our growing energy needs, and a race to a fledgling green economy will lead to financial hardship and a shrinking GDP.

What’s needed is a political shift and a realization that Canada is on its own. We must quickly make changes to maintain our way of life. At the Ocean Pointe conference (Energy Choices for a Secure Future) fellow Victoria Rumble Room podcaster John Juricic asked this question during a panel discussion: “Canadians need political will! We need to ramp up the production, extraction and sales our resources. So, is there a will to make these changes?”

Panelist Stewart Muir immediately responded “I think there is political will TO MAKE STATEMENTS about making changes.” This rejoinder received applause and laughter, and was followed up by former BC Environment Minister Barry Penner who said: “Government must make the land corridors available before any new pipe is installed. Industry believes that Canada is unreliable in its permitting process. Investors who have lost billions in the past because of failed projects simply won’t play this game anymore.”

So, the challenge is clear. We must become more self-reliant and play to our economic strengths. Canada has a bountiful supply of oil, gas, potash and other minerals that are in high demand around the planet. We also have a forest industry that has suffered under the bridle of unfair US tariffs. All of our natural resources need to be uncorked and if our objective is to uncouple from an unreliable American customer, then so be it.

Calgary based Heather Exner-Piro from the MacDonald Laurier Institute says: “Europe is calling for our resources and Asia is doing the same. If we can’t deliver them our products they’ll have to turn to Russia, the Middle East or the United States with all of their respective strings attached.” Indeed, Canada needs an immediate economic re-set to meet rising demand and achieve market diversification.

We have a lot to offer in this unsettling Trumpian world. I suggest above all else Canadians are ethical and law-abiding which puts us in sharp contrast with the likes of Putin, Xi and yes, Donald Trump. So how about this for a calling card. “Trust us, you can depend on us, because Canada will deliver.”

Robin Adair is Co-Host Victoria Rumble Room, a current events video podcast attracting a cumulative audience of over 2 million views. Adair worked as a TV and radio reporter, anchor and commentator for 25 years including 17 years at CHEK TV in Victoria. Later a government relation consultant, conference coordinator Adair also served as a political pundit and media commentator. Always community minded, he was the Chair of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce (2006) and Chair of Camosun College Board of Governors (2008). In 2010 he served as the General Manager of Communications and Protocol for the City of Vancouver during the Winter Olympic Games. For these past three years Robin Adair has produced and co-hosted Victoria Rumble Room, a current events video podcast attracting a cumulative audience of over 2 million views.





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