Nominations Open for 16th Annual VIATEC Technology Awards

March 15, 2017

VICTORIA – Nominations are now open for one of the largest technology sector award shows in the country, to be held at the Victoria Conference Centre on Friday, June 2, 2017.

Last year’s VIATEC Technology Awards Show brought out 850 attendees, the highest attendance it’s seen since it started in 2002. This year’s event is expected to sell out again. The extravagant show has rapidly become known as a unique event focused on entertaining the crowd with humor and irreverence, while shining the spotlight on some of Victoria’s most impressive technology companies.

“Whether it’s Bloomberg Media, The Toronto Star or Vogue Magazine, the world has realized that Victoria is young, culturally vibrant and a cool city,” says says Dan Gunn, CEO of VIATEC (Victoria Innovation, Advanced Technology & Entrepreneurship Council).

“With tech being the #1 industry in a region that has so much going for it, you better believe we pull out all the stops to make sure this event reflects the innovative minds and community spirits that have reshaped our community to be known as a hotbed of vibrant companies and exciting ideas. It’s a unique way for local tech firms to get increased profile with local media, policymakers and their peers which always helps when looking to hire new staff, find new customers or raise investment.”

In total, 15 awards that come in the form of custom metal fabricated robots known as “Freddies”, are being presented at the awards show, 11 of which are currently open for nominations:

  • Technology Company of the Year (50+ employees)
  • Technology Company of the Year (11-49 employees)
  • Technology Company of the Year (1-10 employees)
  • Emerging Technology Company of the Year
  • Startup of the Year
  • Product of the Year
  • Innovative Excellence
  • Leader of the Year
  • Emerging Leader of the Year (New)
  • Employee/Team of the Year
  • Employer of the Year
  • VIATEC Member of the Year
  • Colin Lennox Award for Technology Champion
  • Newcomer of the Year (New)
  • Community Contributor (New)

Click here to nominate a company or individual for up to three categories (It’s free to do so). You can nominate any technology business headquartered in the Greater Victoria area (Nominees must be a member in good standing of VIATEC). This year’s nomination deadline is 4pm on Monday, March 27th.

* indicates required
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