New Ventures BC Part of ElevateIP $90-Million Investment

December 29, 2022

OTTAWA –  Rachel Bendayan, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Tourism, on behalf of the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, announced the delivery partners of the ElevateIP program.

Budget 2021 announced the launch of ElevateIP, with a $90 million investment over four years to help business accelerators and incubators (BAIs) provide startups with access to professional intellectual property (IP) supports. ElevateIP leverages business networks across the country to enable Canadian startups to protect, strategically manage and leverage their IP.

After a nationwide competitive call for proposals, the following five delivery partners have been selected to accelerate IP support for startups across Canada:

  • New Ventures BC – Supporting startups in British Columbia, Yukon, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories
  • Springboard Atlantic– Supporting startups in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island
  • Mouvement des accélérateurs d’innovation du Québec – Supporting startups in Quebec
  • Communitech Corporation– Supporting startups in Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan
  • The University of Calgary, with Innovate Calgary and Economic Development Lethbridge – Supporting startups in Alberta

ElevateIP will enable Canadian startups to better develop IP strategies and increase education and awareness of the critical nature of IP in the Canadian innovation ecosystem.

This program will help business accelerators and incubators provide the tools Canadian startups need to protect, strategically manage and leverage their IP. ElevateIP’s nationwide call for proposals closed on June 28, 2022.

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