New Relief Funding Coming For BC Businesses Ordered Closed

December 24, 2021

BRITISH COLUMBIA – BC businesses that were mandated to temporarily shut down through public health orders because of surging COVID-19 cases will be eligible to receive a new one-time relief grant of up to $10,000.

The COVID-19 Closure Relief Grant will supplement federal support programs and provide funding to help affected businesses alleviate some financial pressures and help with expenses including rent, employee wages, insurance, maintenance and utilities.

The grant was fast-tracked by the Province following new restrictions announced by the provincial health officer on Dec. 21, 2021, and will cost an estimated $10 million.

Businesses ordered fully closed include:

  • gyms, fitness and adult dance centres
  • bars, lounges and nightclubs
  • event venues that can no longer hold events

Relief grants of between $1,000 and $10,000 will be provided to eligible businesses based on their number of employees, following the similar formula to the previous Circuit Breaker Relief Grant that supported businesses in the spring of 2021.

Applications for the grant will begin in January 2022. More information on how to apply will be made available over the next few weeks, with the application process open until the end of February 2022. Business advisors will be able to support and direct applicants through a dedicated call centre that will be set up in early January by the Province and Small Business BC. Businesses will also be able to email questions to:

The provincial COVID-19 Closure Relief Grant program is in addition to the federal government’s expansion of its Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit and the Local Lockdown Program for workers and employers across the country who are affected by new capacity restrictions and closures.

Business relief grant eligibility criteria, pay structure

To be eligible for the COVID-19 Closure Relief Grant, a business is required to:

  • confirm it has been fully closed by the provincial health officer’s recent orders;
  • new applicants will need to provide direct-deposit information (not needed if business was approved for the Circuit Breaker Business Relief or the Small- and Medium-Sized Business Recovery grants);
  • confirm that it is registered as a BC business before Nov. 1, 2021;
  • confirm that the business is following all public health orders and guidelines;
  • produce a business validation document, such as a municipal business licence, liquor licence, notice of assessment or lease agreement; and
  • confirm majority ownership and operations and payment of taxes in BC

For more information on the business relief grant, including the application process and eligibility and timeline, visit:

Eligible applicants closed as a result of the provincial health officer orders will receive funding based on number of staff. The breakdown is as follows:

  • Businesses with no employees or contracted staff: $1,000
  • One to four employees or contracted staff: $2,000
  • Five to 99 employees or contracted staff: $5,000
  • 100 or more employees or contracted staff: $10,000.


* indicates required
The Business Examiner South Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities:Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich,Colwood, Esquimalt, Highlands, James Bay, Langford, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Victoria,and View Royal
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