May 14, 2024

News Impacting Southern Vancouver Island Business


Thomas Bevan

Thomas Bevan has been named the new Island Corridor Foundation new CEO effective June 1.

Erinn Pinkerton, president and chief executive officer of B.C. Transit, was presented with the Award of Distinction at the 2024 Greater Victoria Business Awards by the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce.

Patrick Warren begins a new role at Island Health—Vancouver Island Health Authority—as Lead Network Analyst.

Mikey Williams has joined the team of realtors at UBC Sauder School of Business Clover Residential Ltd.

 Rebekah Jansen is celebrating 7th year work anniversary with Auxilium Mortgage Team.

Sophie Silkes

Sophie Silkes has been appointed the new Director of Strategic Engagement at COAST (Centre for Ocean Applied Sustainable Technologies). 

Natasha Caverley, a management consultant specializing in organizational behaviour, career counselling and development, and multicultural counselling, and a Canadian-certified counsellor by the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association, has been appointed for a three-year term to the Forest Practices Board.

Maize Fusion has opened at Cook Street Village in Victoria’s Fairfield neighbourhood.

The Imagine Studio Café and the Community-Led Crisis Response (CLCR) Team were honoured at the 2024 Island Health Mental Health and Substance Use (MHSU) Community Service Awards in Victoria.

The former Century Plaza Hotel on Pandora Avenue is set to be redeveloped five years after a fire devastated the building. Ocean Gate Developments is seeking approval to build a twelve-story, 198-room hotel on the site.

The Victoria Native Friendship Centre (VNFC) primary care centre had its grand opening on May 9 at 2951 Tillicum Road in Victoria. The Ministry of Health has given their approval for approximately $2 million in annual funding for this initiative.

Developer agrees to rent two studio units at 5% below median after Victoria council approves rezoning application and development permit for 1042 and 1044 Richardson St.

Statistics Canada reports that businesses in Greater Victoria increased their hiring in April, resulting in a small decrease in the unemployment rate to 4.5 per cent from 4.8 per cent in March.

LIDA Construction Inc. has been selected as finalist in the prestigious CHBA National (across Canada) Awards for Housing Excellence.

LIDA Construction Inc.’s proposed development permit for the 884 Lampson condo project has been approved by the council.

BC drivers are set to receive a reimbursement of $110 per insured vehicle from ICBC.

BCI announced that Corix, a renowned provider of environmentally-friendly energy solutions for communities throughout North America, just launched its new brand. Corix has been in BCI’s infrastructure and renewable resources portfolio since 2006.

BCI has been ranked by Brendan Wood International as the second-best gun investment team of 2024. Denis Miron has been named to the Canadian TopGun Buy-Side Traders list. Additionally, Haran Posner, Trevor Bolland, CFA, Andrew Boylan, CFA, Perry Ng, and Derek Spronck have been named TopGun’s Investment Minds.

The Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce welcomes its newest members, Capital Region Food and Agriculture Initiatives Roundtable, Paparazzi Night Club, Black Bear Asphalt Maintenance and Victoria Pride Society.

The 2023 financial statements of Capital Regional District, the Capital Regional Hospital District, and the Capital Region Housing Corporation have received a clear and unqualified audit opinion from external auditors KPMG.

The 15-storey Mod, which was just finished on Cook Street at View Street in downtown Victoria’s Harris Green neighbourhood, has already sold over 7 per cent of its units.

Cascadia Liquor has officially launched its newest product, Empress 1908 Cucumber Lemon Gin, a unique and beautifully balanced spirit inspired by the accompanying flavours of traditional afternoon tea.

The BC Achievement Foundation (BCAF) is honoured to announce the recipients of the 2024 Community Awards. Read on here.

Georgia Hanley is taking a new job with the Saanich Police Department as a Support Clerk!

As part of its Leisure Involvement for Everyone (LIFE) initiative, Saanich is increasing the number of local recreation centres that provide free admission to those who qualify depending on their financial need.

The District of Saanich is participating in Electric Kick Scooter Pilot Project that runs now through April 2028.

The Wong Sheung Kung Fu Club which will celebrate its 50th anniversary on May 26, announced partnership with the Saanich Legacy Foundation (SLF).

Cedar Hill Recreation Centre is set to undergo renovations that will enhance accessibility and increase sustainability; the facility will remain open throughout the process.

David Evans, a businessman from Sooke, is now a Green candidate in BC’s Juan de Fuca-Malahat constituency.

Chris Marshall will take over as the District of Sooke’s next Director of Planning and Development on June 3.

Alternative transportation investments in East Sooke, Port Renfrew, and other communities along the Highway 14 corridor will be evaluated in order to develop a practicable plan that is technically defensible, public-supported, cost-effective, and endorsed by the JdFEA Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission.

Miss Bliss Boutique, founded by Rhonda Hillard, celebrates 15 years of business.

The Victoria Airport Days Inn in Sidney has been named the “New Property of the Year” at the 2023 Days Inns Canada Awards of Recognition.

Parkland Secondary is celebrating its 50th Anniversary.

Slegg Building Materials will be hosting their annual Build a Boat Challenge at Beacon Park on July 1st.

The Groupe Denux, in collaboration with WA Architects, will transform the area along the Island Highway that was once the Jasmine Family Restaurant into a six-story residential complex with ground-floor retail space.

Three parcels opposite the Tim Hortons on Goldstream Avenue will be demolished to make way for a Towneplace Suites by Marriott hotel in the 800-block of Goldstream Avenue in downtown Langford, between Peatt Road and Strathmore Road, which will have over 100 rooms.

The City of Langford launched a City Fact Check page on to provide ease of access to factual information for residents, businesses, and those with a vested interest in City business.

Colwood Church is celebrating its 50th anniversary on May 25th with a community party.

Send your business announcements, news, celebrations or new hires HERE






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The Business Examiner South Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities:Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich,Colwood, Esquimalt, Highlands, James Bay, Langford, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Victoria,and View Royal
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