Al Hasham is looking forward to changes at Maximum Express
By Mark MacDonald
VICTORIA – As Maximum Express Courier & Freight transitions to new ownership within his family, founder Al Hasham is shifting gears.
Hasham will continue to mentor new CEO Rahim Khudabux as he leads the Victoria office, and nephew Aymeel Verjee will oversee the Vancouver operation. Hasham’s partners, his brother Al Verjee and their other partner Harmesh Chumber will continue to be involved over the next few years as the transition takes place.
They’ve announced that Max Furniture will be closing their retail outlet in Victoria in September.
“Our plan has finally taken place and I’m feeling good about it, although it’s unfortunate we had to close the store to do it,” says Hasham, who notes they’ve been looking at the moves since October, 2022. “It’s any parents’ dream come true, to see the company continue on with the family. I’m very happy the way it’s come about.
“Over the past five years, my nephew has worked with his dad and Rahim is like family and is running the store. We decided we couldn’t do both the courier and store operations, even though we had one of our best years last year. We’re looking at the courier is the more viable company that can do another 20-30 years if it’s done right.”
Their Maxfurniture.ca will continue to supply product to commercial clients.
“The liquidation sale has been amazing,” Hasham states. “I can’t believe how many people are coming in, and the support from the community has been unbelievable. After October, we will continue the commercial part of the business, and we’ll continue to supply furniture for restaurants, offices, seating for bars, and other pieces they need. We’ve supplied furniture for many local hotels, restaurants, offices and CFB Esquimalt, and we’ll continue to do that.”
Hasham says he and his partners focused on growing their logistics business at Maximum Express over the past five years.
“These boys are young and can take it to the next level,” he adds. “We had another buyer interested in the store, but I was worried about someone else having our brand. We own the property, and we’re going to go out in style, close on our terms, and make sure our customers, staff and suppliers are looked after. We’re doing it right. We’re not going bankrupt. Everyone knows we’re working through the liquidation sale. It’s a really great way to end the furniture store we’ve operated for 16 years.”
Their other companies, Maximum Holdings and Bala Holdings, hold 19 properties in Victoria and Vancouver, which will be Hasham’s focus moving forward.
Hasham has had a great run in the courier business, starting at age 19 as a DanFoss Couriers driver. He moved to Vancouver Island in January, 1987 to open Victoria’s DanFoss office with his brother, and they moved on to start Maximum Express in 2004.
He is beloved in the business community for his many contributions to numerous worthwhile causes, and served as Chair of the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce in 2016-2017. He continues to serve on the Policy Committee, and he also served as a Director of the B.C. Chamber of Commerce.
“I would have never thought that I would be in one industry for my entire life, but I’ve loved every part of it. I just love the industry,” he states. “The community and the support they’ve given to us has made it so much easier, and doing what we have with all the community groups, has given us recognition and strengthened our brand. We decided to keep it in the family because we didn’t want to give that up, and we knew that if anybody else took it over they weren’t going to do the community work, because they don’t do it now.”