Latest BC Construction Project Opportunities – July 2024

BRITISH COLUMBIA – BidCentral, administered by the BC Construction Association (BCCA) is BC’s largest construction marketplace. Check out the latest updates from BidCentral below.

On June 4th, the BCCA launched a new online job board tailored for the construction industry. Builders Life TalentCentral helps employers match with available job seekers. Leverage this new recruitment tool today! Access and posting of jobs is free to integrated members of BCCA’s partner Regional Construction Associations (NRCA, SICA, VICA, and VRCA), and for a limited time only, it’s free to all BC construction employers.

July’s BidCentral tip: BidCentral myPlanroom tutorial – Discover how to post projects privately or publicly and send invitations to bid.

Catch July’s BidCentral webinar, hosted by our Director of Business Development, Adam Addlestone. This BidCentral primer will teach you how to leverage the BidCentral platform for success.

Featured Projects and Pre-Bids this Month:

Vancouver Island University – New Student Housing – TP2 : This 266-bed facility will house a student lounge, kitchen, amenity spaces, a commercial dining hall and student housing offices. Other improvements include road works, landscaping and expansion of the geoexchange system connected to the existing flooded coal mine system beneath campus. This project will consist of 3 stories of structural concrete and 7 stories of mass timber and steel construction. This 266-bed facility will house a student lounge, kitchen, amenity spaces, a commercial dining hall and student housing offices. Other improvements include road works, landscaping and expansion of the geoexchange system connected to the existing flooded coal mine system beneath campus. This project will consist of 3 stories of structural concrete and 7 stories of mass timber and steel construction.

SD 28 – Construction of The New Carson Elementary School :  Site address: Quesnel, BC. This is a project which includes a new elementary school with a neighbourhood of learning and a attached daycare.  The school sits on driven pile which is currently being completed in phase one and will be handed over to the successful bidder for completion of the remainder of the project.  All inquiries and questions to be emailed to

Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc – Healing Center: Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc is soliciting proposals for a Prime Consultant / Architect for design and construction of a Healing Center. In March 2023, Canada announced provision of $12.5 million for development of a Healing Center to support those affected by the Residential School System. TteS requires the services of an architectural team, with structural, mechancial, and electrical disciplines or subconsultants.

Guru Nanak Diversity Village – Long Term Care Facility: This is a green field development, with limited setback to neighboring properties. The project includes 125 beds throughout levels 1-3, a below grade level consists of parking and support space (141,664-sf total GFA). The structure is of non combustible (cast in place concrete, steel stud faming). Buttcon West Ltd is the construction manager for this project.

D.P. Todd Secondary School Replacement/Rebuild: PRE-BID: The cost of a total replacement of D.P. Todd is pegged at $130 million, which would result in a new school big enough for a student population of 900. An addition to the school would cost an estimated $88.38 million. Most of the classrooms in that building actually don’t have windows and that’s challenging for people’s sense of well-being. A lot of people connect to natural sunlight with their biorhythms and we believe it is the building that is a priority to us to either be completely renovated and updated or replaced. The building has been well-maintained but has washroom and space accessibility issues that fall short of today’s standards.

First Phase Redevelopment of Semiahmoo Shopping Centre: PRE-BID: Redevelopment of the northernmost 2.8-acre parcel of the 20-acre mall property, replacing Chevron gas station, Dollar Tree, and the Subway fast-food restaurant near the southwest corner of the intersection of 152 Street and 18 Avenue. This first phase entails two 20-storey mixed-use towers and one 12-storey mixed-use tower, containing a total of 554 homes, with a unit size mix of 94 studios, 270 one-bedroom units, 130 two-bedroom units, and 59 three-bedroom units. Other uses include over 45,000 sq ft of ground-level retail and restaurant space, and a 10,000 sq ft art studio space that will be owned by the City of Surrey.

Building & Development Permits

Industry Alert: Removal Of Contract A

On June 18th, the BC Construction Association (BCCA) issued, in partnership with the Regional Construction Associations, and with the support of other provincial and national association partners, an industry-wide alert following the confirmation of cases of removal of “Contract A” from the procurement process by a growing list of public owners, including some municipalities, school districts, universities, and crown corporations. Read the full Industry Alert here to understand the possible implications.

Sue Connors is the CEO of BidCentral

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