Island Good Products See 37 Per Cent Increase In Sales

October 29, 2021

Island Good Brand Proves Great for Island Business

VANCOUVER ISLAND – The Vancouver Island Economic Alliance (VIEA) announced the results of their 2019 and 2020 sales survey at the 15th annual Economic Summit, which identified a 37 per cent increase in sales of Island Good products sold in participating grocery stores compared with previous sales data.

“These results are phenomenal.” claims Dan Dagg of H2 Accelerator, Chair of the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance’s “Island Good Committee. “Everyone was impressed with our original test case in 2018 which showed a 16.4 per cent increase, to more than double that is amazing.” In 2019 sales were up 17.5 per cent for the same period the previous year, and in 2020 the sales increase was 37 per cent.

The survey measured a sample of 16 Island Good licensed products from March to December in 15 grocery stores (Three of our original pilot partners – Country Grocer, 49th Parallel Grocery, Quality Foods)* from Victoria to Parksville.

The Island Good brand was introduced in 2018 by the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance to increase awareness and demand for goods produced in the Vancouver Island and Gulf Island region.

George Hanson, VIEA President, notes that “Our goal was always to create good household sustaining jobs, strengthen our food security, and increase goods production to diversify the Island economy. I believe we are on our way, and we need some government support to truly reach our goals. More demand means more production, more jobs, more investment and increased resiliency.”

The Island Good initiative is funded entirely from the 165 participating licensee fees.

“Our customer’s love the brand and are clearly demonstrating a choice to buy local over other options,” states Peter Richmond of 49th Parallel Grocery Ltd.

“We have been amazed by the support we’ve received from Island Good; they’ve helped us get recognized, listed in stores, and have provided a network that helps us get things done better,” says Jessica Duncan of Singing Bowl Granola Inc.

From potatoes to mattresses, from cheese to wine, for jam, ham and gin, visit to find the local products you want and where to buy them.

*Island Good is now also proudly featured at Pepper’s Food Store, The Market Stores, Fairway Market and numerous other retail stores.


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