Highly Skilled International Talent Is at Risk in Canada

January 18, 2016

Watch Time: 2.5 Minutes

Reading Time: 15 Seconds

CANADA – The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has recently released a new report, Immigration for a Competitive Canada: Why Highly Skilled International Talent Is at Risk. This report looks at the country’s current immigration regime and how Canada risks losing its competitive advantage when it comes to attracting highly skilled international talent. For instance, the Express Entry system is not aligned with business success, and the restrictions of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program are hurting many high-value sectors across the economy.

The report also proposes solutions to ensure policies and processes aren’t standing in the way of talented people coming to Canada and contributing to our economic growth. Highly-skilled workers don’t take opportunities away from Canadians, they help us create them. The national economy depends on talented immigrants to help boost its innovation performance, which is currently lagging behind many other developed countries. The report emphasizes that in order to have the best processes in place, changes are necessary.

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