Gratitude While Grappling With Constant Change

December 22, 2021


WEST SHORE – When I sit down to write at this time of the year, I often find myself turning to thoughts of gratitude. And while this year is no different, I also find myself thinking “what a year.” Again.

The resilience of the business community continues to amaze me. In our community, business owners and managers this year have dealt with changing COVID restrictions, price and wage increases, supply chain issues and labour shortages. Some have also had to deal with flooding and water damage, although southern Vancouver Island has thus far got off lightly in 2021 compared to other parts of our province which have been devastatingly impacted by fire and flood.

A huge thank you to all of the members of the WestShore Chamber of Commerce for your continued membership during yet another very challenging year. In spite of dealing with continued stress and strain in your businesses and organisations, you have made supporting our work a priority. Membership dues are our first and largest source of income, and it is thanks to you, our members, that we are able to advocate on behalf of business, promote what you do and connect you through a range of support and services. Thank you, members! It is no understatement to say that we couldn’t do it without you.

I would also like to acknowledge the Mayor, Council, and staff of the City of Colwood, District of the Highlands, City of Langford, District of Metchosin and the Town of View Royal for your continued hard work during another pandemic year. Thank you to the City of Colwood, the City of Langford and the Town of View Royal for your fee for service support of the work of the WestShore Chamber. While we appreciate these relationships every year, we have been especially grateful for them in this year of very reduced events, given that events pre-COVID were our second largest source of income.

My thanks also go to the team at Goldstream Gazette and Black Press. We have partnered on the Best of the WestShore Awards over many years, and thanks to Black Press we could once again offer two pre-recorded and interactive presentations, one each night on October 26 and 27. You can check these out on our YouTube channel if you’d like to learn more.

Last but not least, thank you to our Corporate Partner Coastal Community Credit Union, who puts community at the heart of everything they do. For stakeholders, sponsors, and supporters I have not thanked by name, please know that this is due to lack of space, not lack of appreciation. Thank you for all of your support in 2021!

Julie Lawlor is Executive Director at the WestShore Chamber of Commerce.

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The Business Examiner South Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities:Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich,Colwood, Esquimalt, Highlands, James Bay, Langford, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Victoria,and View Royal
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