Government Of Canada Moves to Increase The Supply of Electric Vehicles

January 3, 2023

OTTAWA – The Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Steven Guilbeault, announced that the Government of Canada has published proposed regulations that set ZEV sales targets for manufacturers and importers of new passenger cars, SUVs, and pickup trucks.

The regulations will require that at least 20 per cent of new vehicles sold in Canada will be zero emission by 2026, at least 60 per cent by 2030, and 100 per cent by 2035. These targets will help increase supply so that more Canadians who want a ZEV can buy one.

In addition to making sure there are more ZEVs to buy, the Government also announced the following investments to make buying and charging an electric vehicle (EV) easier for Canadians:

  • Invested in 50,000 more EV charging stations across the country, for almost 85,000 federally-funded chargers across Canada by 2027. This is in addition to charging stations supported by provincial governments and the private sector.
  • Renewed the program that provides Canadians up to $5,000, and businesses up to $10,000, toward the cost of buying or leasing a ZEV. Over 180,000 individuals and businesses have taken advantage of this program to date.
  • Making historic investments in EV manufacturing in Canada, which will mean made-in-Canada ZEVs by Canadian auto workers and for Canadian drivers to buy.

The evidence from Quebec, British Columbia, and other jurisdictions with ZEV sales targets in place is clear: when combined with supportive investments, a zero-emission vehicle sales target accelerates the transition to clean cars and trucks. It also provides certainty to the private sector to support investments in charging infrastructure. With today’s proposed regulations, Canada joins jurisdictions such as the European Union, the United Kingdom, and several American states, including California.

The shift to zero-emission vehicles is good for our workers; for our automotive, battery, and mining supply chains; and for our economy, creating jobs and prosperity for generations of workers to come. The shift is good for our environment, keeping our air clean.

Canadians are invited to submit their feedback on the proposed regulations during the 75-day consultation period. Final regulations are expected to be published in 2023.

Federal funding includes $900 million through the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan, including $500 million for the Canada Infrastructure Bank, to build 50,000 more charging stations, adding to the $1 billion the Government of Canada has invested since 2016.

Automakers have made it clear that the transition to electric vehicles is now firmly underway. Many have set their own ZEV sales targets. According to Statistics Canada, the share of new registration of light-duty ZEVs in Canada was 2.9 per cent in 2019, 3.5 percent in 2020, and 5.2 per cent in 2021, amounting to 86,000 vehicles. In the first half of 2022, 7.2 per cent of new light-duty vehicles sold were ZEVs.


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