From The Trenches Podcast 21: Greg D’Avignon

June 1, 2021

Greg D’Avignon is the President and CEO of the Business Council of British Columbia. In Part 2 of our conversation he talks about child care, BC’s secret superpower, provincial and federal budgets, and much more.

Episode Notes

As a collaborative, non-partisan organization, the Business Council of British Columbia (BCBC) strives to be a venue where members, policy experts, elected officials and government decision makers can address problems and form solutions together.

Their mission is to provide timely and exceptional public-policy research and advocacy on issues that enhance B.C.’s competitiveness and prosperity.

Led by CEO and President, Greg D’Avignon, their group of dedicated professionals works collaboratively with a committed membership that includes B.C.’s top employers to ensure that its work is credible, timely and relevant.

Their Executive Committee provides oversight and direction on the day-to-day activities of the Council. The Business Council’s Board of Governors is a broad cross section of our member organizations representing virtually all industry sectors, both private and public, in B.C. The Board meets on a quarterly basis and provides strategic guidance to the Executive Committee and Council management.

Learn more about the BCBC by visiting:


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The Business Examiner South Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities:Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich,Colwood, Esquimalt, Highlands, James Bay, Langford, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Victoria,and View Royal
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