First Nations clean-energy projects funded on Vancouver Island

August 29, 2022

VANCOUVER ISLAND – Four First Nations communities on Vancouver Island will increase their clean-energy sector participation in local projects, thanks to from the Province.

The Province is partnering with communities throughout BC to develop Indigenous-driven energy projects that align with CleanBC, the Province’s plan to build a cleaner future and a stronger, more resilient economy.

The First Nations Clean Energy Business Fund (FNCEBF) supports projects that promote energy efficiency and replace diesel dependency with renewable energy in areas such as solar, ocean thermal, wind energy, biomass, run-of-river hydroelectric power and energy-efficiency planning. A key goal of the fund is to increase the participation of Indigenous communities in BC’s clean-energy sector, ensuring that communities benefit from the economic opportunities created in their territories in the transition.

The Hupačasath First Nation received $150,000 in equity funding to install 42 heat pumps in community homes, completing 29 pre-retrofit EnerGuide evaluations and providing 21 home assessments that will inform retrofit approaches to each home. Once complete, these measures will help achieve their comprehensive community plan targets for reducing in greenhouse gas emissions and finding green alternatives.

Three other First Nations communities located on Vancouver Island also received funding in January 2022:

  • K’ómoks First Nation — $150,000 equity funding to expand solar energy to homes owned and occupied by band members on-reserve, which will lessen the Nation’s environmental footprint
  • T’Sou-ke First Nation — $16,250 capacity funding for Phase 1 design of a solar roof on the community complex and health centre, which will meet at least 25 per cent of the facility’s total energy demand using clean-energy sources
  • Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation Economic Dev Corp — $30,000 capacity funding to develop a community energy plan, which will build on the successful development, construction and operation of three hydropower facilities (past funding provided through the FNCEBF) by focusing on demand-side management opportunities

In the past year, the fund has provided more than $3.8 million to support new capacity and equity projects in 27 First Nations communities throughout the province. The FNCEBF is accepting applications for the next intake until Sept. 30, 2022.



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The Business Examiner South Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities:Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich,Colwood, Esquimalt, Highlands, James Bay, Langford, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Victoria,and View Royal
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