Feds Launch Consultation on Modernized IT Transformation Plan

September 23, 2016

CANADA – Strong, secure and modern information technology infrastructure is the backbone of better services for Canadians. That’s why the Government of Canada has committed to updating the IT Transformation Plan and modernizing the digital services it provides to Canadians through secure and reliable information technology.

Judy M. Foote, Minister of Public Services and Procurement, has announced that Shared Services Canada (SSC) is launching a consultation to seek feedback from Canadians, federal public servants, client departments and industry on its IT Transformation Plan.

The plan is a roadmap to modernize the Government of Canada’s IT infrastructure and the way it delivers services to departments and agencies, including for email, data centres, networks and workplace technology services. Along with other initiatives currently taking place across government to improve the use and management of IT, this consultation will inform the next edition of the IT Transformation Plan.

This is an opportunity for Canadians to share their views to ensure government services are delivered efficiently and meet their expectations. Canadians can provide their feedback before October 31, 2016, by visiting www.ittransformationconsultation.ca. A summary of the feedback received will be released later this year.

Shared Services Canada’s Information Technology Transformation Plan was put in place in 2013. The Department is updating the plan to reflect the Government’s commitment to modernizing service delivery to Canadians while also accounting for the evolving IT environment and to ensure its sustainability and alignment with government priorities and the IT sector.

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