Feds Commit Additional Affordable Housing Funding for BC

June 30, 2016

CANADA – The Government of Canada is investing an additional $150 million over the next two years to help British Columbians in need access affordable housing.

The funding is in addition to the $63 million joint annual funding provided by the governments of Canada and British Columbia under the Investment in Affordable Housing agreement to help create more affordable housing options in B.C.

The new federal government funding includes:

  • $25.2 million to support the construction, repair and adaption of affordable housing for seniors;
  • $10.9 million to support the construction and renovation of shelters and transition houses for victims of family violence; and
  • $50.9 million to help address the increasing demand for repairs as social housing units age and to improve efficiency and reduce energy and water use.

Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, made the announcement recently in Vancouver, along with Rich Coleman, Deputy Premier, Minister of Natural Gas Development and Minister Responsible for Housing. Both Ministers met at a new housing development located at 33-41 E. Hastings Street.

The federal and provincial governments are providing more than $9 million through the Investment in Affordable Housing initiative for the construction of 54 new rental apartments for women and children. The building, sponsored by Atira Women’s Resource Society, is expected to open later this year.

Federal Budget 2016 investments in affordable housing will provide targeted support to those who need it most, including in British Columbia, and create good jobs that help grow Canada’s economy in a clean and sustainable way. The federal and provincial governments will work together to quickly deliver the new funding.

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