Family Business Association VI Welcomes New Executive Director

September 16, 2022

Passionate Supporter of Family Business


VICTORIA – As the owner of 22c Partners Inc, Barb has extensive experience consulting with boards and executive teams to help them improve their effectiveness.

Over her career she has worked globally and for companies like Best Buy, Google, RBC, HSBC, KPMG and many more. Closer to home , she has worked for Ledcor, BC Hydro, Harbour Air, Merrick Architects, Thrifty Foods, Power To Be, Save On foods, Martman Excavating and the Art Gallery of Victoria. She has also worked and is working with members of FBA. Barb moved back home to Victoria in 2015 and has mainly been working for private and family-owned businesses as well as for Foundations and Not-For-Profits.

Barb is a certified board director and holds the ICD.D. Designation. She served as Chair of the HR Committee for The Greater Victoria Harbour Authority. She is currently a member of the HR and Governance committee for the BC College of Oral Health Professionals. She has a Masters degree in HR, An honours B.A. degree in English and a certificate in Psychology.

She is co-author of the bestselling book Shared Services: Mining For Corporate Gold, author of Snap Crackle or Stop: Change Careers and Create Your Own Destiny. She wrote the career column for Chatelaine magazine for several years. Barb has had experience in her own family business. When she meets you, she will tell you why she is so passionate about FBA.

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