Fall For BC Wine Campaign Aims To Boost Industry

October 5, 2023

KELOWNAWine Growers British Columbia wants people to “Fall for BC Wine” this season.

The slogan for the campaign is hoping consumers choose BC wine at restaurants and liquor stores. As of March, 2023, there were 341 licensed grape wine wineries in the province, and the BC VQA Wine is the second-best-selling category in B.C., with over 19 per cent of the market. Statistics show that in 2019, almost 1.2 million people visited BC wineries, generating an estimated $600 million-plus in associated revenue for the province. In typical years, BC wineries contribute about $3.75 billion each year to the provincial economy.

Fires have been a major cause for an estimated 54 percent reduction in crops this year and $133 million in lost revenue.

“Winemaking has never been an industry for the faint of heart — resilience is a prerequisite,” says Miles Prodan, President and CEO of WGBC. “However, these setbacks are temporary. We’ve always been fortunate to have enormous support for the wines of BC from local consumers and, with them behind us, we know the industry will overcome these challenges. We’re looking forward to an exciting future for BC wine.”

The Fall for BC Wine campaign suggests consumers choose BC wine, visit a BC winery or farm stand, and choose a BC wine region for a holiday.

“If people are looking for ways to support local, the best way is to simply buy BC,” says Joanna Schlosser, Co-Owner and CEO Niche Wine Company. “Those purchases not only have a regenerative effect on small, local businesses but the community as a whole.”

Combined with that, the campaign is looking for nominations for a ‘Community Hero’ who stepped up for their community during BC’s 2023 wildfires. Whether a first responder, a community volunteer, or someone who took in those in need, the industry wants to help recognize hometown heroes.

One recipient from the pool of nominees will win an all-expenses paid VIP trip for two to BC Wine Country this November.

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