Esquimalt’s Ribfest Sure to Please the Palate

August 25, 2017

– Kelly Darwin sits on the Board of Directors of the Esquimalt Chamber of Commerce.

ESQUIMALT – The summer has brought about many community events, developments, and steps forward for local businesses. Thousands of fans of both music and Canada flocked to Bullen Park on Augusts 12, for a Canada 150 celebration.

Local performers and featured bands both took to the stage in celebration. The festivities also brought about a very special pop-up Esquimalt Farmers Market (usually only held on Thursdays) that didn’t hold back on the goodness that is buying local.

My anticipation for RibFest has only grown stronger as Friday, September 8, gets closer. The Rib Festival is a fun weekend packed with activities that, believe it or not, include more than just ribs. The event is a fun weekend which will include local entertainment, games for the kids, delicious drinks, and local musical artists and vendors.

It’s important to remember that all the proceeds go back into the community through the Esquimalt Firefighter Charitable Foundation. This charity, among others, has been the recipient of thousands of dollars from the Esquimalt Ribfest. Every cent of the proceeds is given to local charities and sponsored school activities. See you at Bullen Park!

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The Tudor House, a new modernist liquor store right here in Esquimalt, is now officially open. What a change it is from the 109-years old Tudor House, the beloved pub that previously called the lot space home before burning down in 2013.

The designers wanted to go with something that made just as much a statement as the old Tudor House, and they succeeded. The beautiful architecture makes the business a great addition to both the community and the future of development in Esquimalt.

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Mark your calendars, the Esquimalt Chamber of Commerce‘s AGM will be taking place September 21, 2017, from 7:30AM – 9:30AM in the Archie Browning Centre lounge. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased by contacting the Chamber. Come for the speakers and board elections, stay for the free refreshments. New and continuing members alike are encouraged to join.

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The Business Examiner South Vancouver Island provides business news, advice, and data for the following communities:Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich,Colwood, Esquimalt, Highlands, James Bay, Langford, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, Victoria,and View Royal
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