Back by popular demand, Dine Around & Stay in Town Victoria (Dine Around) returns February 19 to March 8, 2021. This follows the success of Dine Around earlier this year from January 14 to February 7, 2021.
Dine Around’s return will include many of the same restaurants, as well as new feature menus for customers. Furthermore, many hotel accommodations specials for Greater Victoria residents will also continue.
“The feedback we received from many of our restaurant members on the success of Dine Around was amazing” said Paul Nursey, CEO – Destination Greater Victoria. “I am also proud of Greater Victoria restaurants and hotels for safety adaptations and taking safety seriously. I am looking forward to seeing locals dine on great culinary options restaurants create during Dine Around’s return as well.”
The menus will focus on “Chef’s Feature Sheets” to help promote their cuisine. Restaurants will include options that are inventive and value-added for patrons. Like the first run of Dine Around, organizers are working with restaurants to ensure proper COVID-19 protocols are in place and food service is delivered within safety guidelines.
Current provincial orders require diners to only eat with someone from their own household. If someone is single, they can eat with one or two other people who make up their pandemic bubble.
“The Greater Victoria restaurant sector is proud to support the return of Dine Around” said Peter De Bruyn, Provincial Chair – BCRFA. “The COVID-19 pandemic has created difficulty for so many. The entrepreneurs and employees in the restaurant and hospitality sector have been amongst the hardest hit. I would like to thank Greater Victoria residents for their strong support of Dine Around.”
“Dine Around has been a tremendous success – both for our restaurant and others in Greater Victoria” said Bruce Gillespie, Owner of Little Jumbo Restaurant. “People are realizing that going to restaurants and bars can be done very safely. A night out with people in your household is also a great experience at a time when we are not seeing as many friends a family.”
Information on the return of Dine Around can be found here.