BC – While there are many Indigenous organizations both provincially and nationally that represent a variety of First Nation interests, there has not been an organization that represents and advocates for BC First Nation owned Development Corporations directly, until now.
The First Nation Business Development Association (FN BDA) has been formed and is comprised of BC First Nation owned Development Corporations.

Chief Terry Teegee
The initial members of the Association represent nearly 50 BC First Nations and are a diverse group of successful First Nations owned entities from throughout the Province of BC. With this core group in place, the BC FN BDA looks forward to welcoming membership from all First Nation owned business entities.
Now is an important time for First Nations business interests as BC and Canada move towards economic recovery; this ensures that BC First Nations business interests are included in the conversation and solutions moving forward.
“The BCAFN is pleased with this new initiative. First Nations across BC have expanded their business and economic activities in all sectors, and in many regions are lead economic players creating wealth and employment for their community members as well as others. The First Nation Business Development Association can play a key partnership role in the BCAFN’s economic development initiatives and opportunities moving forward,” said BC Regional Chief Terry Teegee.
The overall mandate is to lift the collective strength and influence of all BC First Nation owned business organizations for the benefit of its membership. Specifically, a number of purposes and approaches have been identified, including;
– Industry and Government Relations
– Strategic Information Sharing
– Sharing of Best Practices and Industry Expertise and experience
The guiding principles and approach of the FN BDA;
The purpose/mission of the FN BDA is ‘To support, advocate and create opportunities that benefit the economic well-being of BC First Nation Development Corporations.’
Their vision is that the ‘BC FN BDA is a strong, respected advocate for impactful First Nation Development Corporations in BC, that are driving sustainable economic wealth within their traditional territories and the Province of BC as a whole.’
The FN BDA looks forward to continuing to build its membership base, as well as creating new partnerships with groups and organizations with similar objectives.